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凡 TOP實體專班 / TOP求職特攻班 修課完成的學生,投遞履歷時於證照勾選TOP結業證書,並上傳於附件,有高機率優先取得面試機會喔!
KKday為全亞洲領先的旅遊科技公司,致力於創造全新的旅遊體驗,提供最完善的服務平台,最獨特且真實的遊玩行程。 KKday在全球超過92個國家、550個城市擁有 300,000 種以上的在地旅遊體驗商品,每月平均活躍用戶高達900萬,目的是透過專業平台數據化整合,讓來自全球的旅客都能夠更方便自在地挑選行程,創造自己專屬的旅遊經驗。 成立於2014年,在亞太區12個城市設有分公司,2022年7月完成C+輪募資,累計募資金額近30億元,於疫情後全力備戰跨境旅遊,已經為出境、入境與國旅三大領域完成亞太區配置。未來將持續透過科技來革新旅遊產業。 - KKday 提供人才具規模、活力和自主權的新創環境,歡迎加入我們創造未來!https://kkday.bamboohr.com/jobs/ - KKday Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/company/kkday/ - KKday的旅遊推薦清單:https://www.youtube.com/c/KKdayTaiwan/featured KKday is the leading travel-tech company in APAC, committed to providing the most complete service platform, the most unique and authentic travel experience. Currently, KKday hosts over 300,000+ local experience products in over 92 countries and 550 cities with more than 9 million unique users each month. Our goal is to be easily accessible, make it more convenient through the data integration of professional platform. Let all types of travelers find and create their own memorable, exclusive, and safe travel experience. Founded in 2014, we have expanded to 12 countries and set up overseas offices around the world. In July 2022, we secured a series C+ round funding of nearly 3 billion, well prepared for inbound, outbound, and domestic travel after Covid. In the future, we will innovate the industry with technology continuously. We provide talent with an environment where they have a combination of resources, scale, and autonomy to run for KKday business. Most importantly, we also provide our talents the opportunity to rotate across businesses, accelerate their career path and impact the business of the travel industry around the APAC region. Welcome to join us! - Positions at KKday: https://kkday.bamboohr.com/jobs/ - KKday LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kkday/ - KKday’s travel recommendation list: https://www.youtube.com/c/KKdayTaiwan/featured
透過以下連結投遞履歷將優先與您聯繫:https://kkday.bamboohr.com/careers/454?source=aWQ9MjI%3D 【關於 KKday】 KKday正在加速全世界旅遊體驗的蛻變。 身為亞洲最大的旅遊體驗平台,KKday致力於透過數位化整合出一站式平台以滿足旅遊的所有需求,目前在全球超過92個國家、550個城市已累積30萬個特色行程與活動,近幾年更跨足經營KKday商城、提供SaaS服務,打造KKday專屬的生態圈! 透過多方位發展,KKday在疫情期間仍成功募得近30億元的資金,歡迎熱愛旅遊的你加入我們,一起創造更多旅遊的可能性與未來。 【職務需求】 1.審閱制式合約、法律文件用印及歸檔 2.維護及管理合約管理系統 3.蒐集主管交辦之法律議題相關資料 4.撰擬政府函文、處理消費者糾紛案件 5.完成其他主管交辦事項 【其他條件】 -限法律相關學系 -每週至少可排班16小時 -需具備中、英文合約閱讀、判斷能力
英文 -- 聽 /精通、說 /精通、讀 /精通、寫 /精通
在KKday,你值得最好的照顧! 我們提供了全方位的福利與照護,讓你在KKday保持身心最佳的狀態 1) 彈性工作時間 Flexible working hours. 2) 到職即按比例給予特休假,最高享有10天,此外每年加碼 5 天全薪旅遊假 Annual leave will be given proportionally upon arrival, with a maximum of 10 days, and additional 5 days of paid travel leave per year. 3) 免費接駁車,通勤的煩惱 KKday 幫你解決 Free shuttle bus between the office and MRT Songshan station. 4) 身在美食沙漠的我們,提供每日午餐補助 Daily lunch subsidies. 5) 配備 Apple Mac 筆電,外加 23 吋外接螢幕 All KKdayer equipped with an Apple Mac laptop, plus a 23-inch external screen. 6) 咖啡無限暢飲,喚醒你的每一天 Unlimited free coffee. 7) 不定期超值員購商品,等你來發掘 Be adventurous! Diverse KKday products with valuable staff price. 8) 超便宜販賣機,不擔心你餓肚子 Vending machine with affordable price. 9) 補班日不定期舉辦驚喜活動 Hold activities aperiodic during make-up days. 10) Hot-desking的自由模式,上班想坐哪任你挑選 Choose anywhere that you want to sit. 11) 內部推薦人才獎金,搭配不定期特殊加碼 Internal talent referral bonus. 員工支持系統 / KKcare 1) 員工健康檢查 Employee physical check-up. 2) 特約醫生健康諮詢與講座活動 Employee health counseling and seminars. 福委會 / Welfare Committee 1) 每月下午茶,吃的、喝的由你來選擇 Free afternoon tea every month. 2) 部門活動聚餐 Funny team buildings. 3) 婚喪病生育補助 Marriage, funeral, sickness, and childbirth subsidies. 4) 三節禮金 Festival Bonus. 5) 生日禮券 Birthday voucher. 6) 各種社團活動 Multiple clubs. 7) 特約商店 Employee Discounts at Appointed Stores. 【求職者個資蒐集告知聲明】 1. 酷遊天股份有限公司及其關係企業基於「員工招募」之目的,將蒐集您的「識別類、特徵類、社會情況、教育、考選、技術或其他專業、受僱情形」等個人資料,或您主動為求職目的而提供的資料(履歷、自傳等),以在招募期間及地區內,作為本次招募作業審核、評選、聯繫之用。如您未獲錄取,我們仍將保留您的資料以便向您通知新的職缺機會。 2. 您得以致電酷遊天股份有限公司及其關係企業(電話:02-7713-4670)行使請求查閱、補充、更正;請求提供複製本;請求停止蒐集、處理、利用;請求刪除個人資料等權利。(註:如未正確、完整提供各項資料,將可能影響聘用的審核、評選或聯繫。)